Frequently Asked Questions


What is a Utility Bill

Fee for service provided (i.e. Trash/Sewer) or fee for maintenance of utility system (i.e. Sewer/Stormwater).

When are my bills mailed?

Utility bills can be mailed annually, quarterly or monthly, depending on where you live.

How is the bill calculated?

Depending on what utility you are being billed for, some can be a flat rate, or it can be a rate multiplied by usage/gallons. All townships and boroughs set their own rates.

How can I change my mailing address?

You can email, fax or call to update the mailing address. For details, click here.

I am no longer the owner but am still receiving the bill, how do I fix this?

You can write on the bill return to sender no longer owner or you can email, fax or call us to advise. For details, click here.

I sold my property, will I get a refund for the overpayment?

Your closing company should be pro-rating any payments that were made and making the adjustment to pay you back at the closing.

How can I appeal the usage on my bill?

Berkheimer is the billing agent hired to bill and collect payments for your utilities.  For any bill adjustments you would need to contact your utility company directly.

I have a credit on my account, how do I request a refund?

You can send a written request through the mail, email or fax. For details, click here.

I am a renter, can I have the bill mailed directly to me instead of my landlord?

Most utility bills can only be mailed to the property owner, so they will have to forward you the bill.  However, you can access the bills through the MyBerk Customer Portal option on our website by clicking here.

I moved, do I still need to pay this utility bill?

If you are still the owner, yes.

Do I still owe this if the owner of this property died?

The current owner of the property or the estate is responsible for payment of utility bills.

Does my Mortgage Company pay this type of bill?


If I pay this late is there a penalty?

Most areas do add a penalty if the base amount not paid on time. See due dates on the bill and payment stub.

Can I be exonerated?

There are typically no exonerations for Utility billings.  

What if I lost or didn’t get my bill?

You can email, fax or call to request a duplicate bill.  For details, click here..  You can also use the MyBerk Customer Portal.

How much do I owe?

See bill or check your balance on our website or on the MyBerk Customer Portal.

How can I pay this bill?

Check payable to HAB-MISC – mail to PO BOX 21450 LEHIGH VALLEY, PA 18002.

Or ACH/CC online or by phone or on BerkApp or MyBerk Customer Portal.

What if the payment is returned / rejected by the bank?

There is a $29.00 fee for returned payments. You will be notified by mail.

How do I get a receipt?

Payment receipts are sent automatically if your email address is on file.  You can also email, fax or call to request a receipt. For details, click here.

If you have additional/specific questions that are not addressed above, please click on the link to send an inquiry to our Customer Care Department.