Frequently Asked Questions
When are my forms and payment due?
Quarter | Months | Due On or Before |
1st Quarter | January, February, March | April 30th |
2nd Quarter | April, May, June | July 31st |
3rd Quarter | July, August, September | October 31st |
4th Quarter | October, November, December | January 31st |
How do I confirm if I submitted quarterly payments directly to Berkheimer?
Click here to confirm your quarterly payments.
How do I make a quarterly payment?
Click here to pay your quarterly payment online OR mail your return with payment to the following address:
Berkheimer Tax Innovations
PO Box 25157
Lehigh Valley, PA 18002
Who must file?
Effective July 4, 2018, there is no longer an income threshold in place, so you are required to file on any wages on which the tax has not been withheld on. You should also make payment on any anticipated net profits earned in that quarter as well. Quarterly due dates are April 30th, July 31st, October 31st and January 31st of next year. If you have no taxable income to report for a quarter, it is recommended that you file a $0.00 estimate for that period, to avoid interest on any amount due when you file your annual return. Interest is based on the assumption that the payments should have been made throughout the year. To download the DQ-1 and instructions, click here. To find your tax rates and collector, click here.
What do I do if I need to report quarterly and I didn’t receive a DQ-1 form?
Click here to e-file your DQ-1.
Click here to download a paper DQ-1.
Click here to check out all of forms for Individuals.
If I change employers during the year and my new employer withholds local tax do I still need to file a DQ form?
Check the box on your next quarter DQ form that indicates all the tax is withheld by your employer and return the form.
May I make one estimated payment in the beginning of the year based on my previous year earnings?
Yes- but you must return all four Quarterly estimated forms to credit your account correctly.
If I estimate my earnings too high and need to request a refund what should I do?
You can request a refund on your Final Earned Income Tax form.
If I work out of state do I still need to file and pay quarterly although I may be entitled to a credit?
Yes, you should pay on wages paid and any contributions made by you to your 401k and/or other type of retirement plan; if the contributions are not taxed by the state you are employed in. The final return will be subject to audit at the end of the year to determine the allowable credit. You should also pay on any income earned outside that state on which taxes have not been withheld upon.
Can I pay for both spouses with the same check?
Yes- indicate on the check how much to apply to each Social Security number and attach a separate form for each spouse.
If my earnings are under a certain amount or I have no earnings for this quarter am I still required to file?
Effective July 4, 2018, there is no longer an income threshold in place, so you are required to file on any wages on which the tax has not been withheld on. You should also make payment on any anticipated net profits earned in that quarter as well. Quarterly due dates are April 30th, July 31st, October 31st and January 31st of next year.
If I am employed in Philadelphia am I required to file?
Indicate on the DQ form that all tax is withheld by your employer. Also please indicate that you are employed in Philadelphia and return the form.
How can I file an amended return?
An amended return needs to be submitted in writing and include the reason for the amended return, previous payment information and amended information. Need a form? Click here.
If you have additional/specific questions that are not addressed above, please click on the link to send an inquiry to our Customer Care Department.